Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Another day, another diaper...or something like that?

Every morning starts with a trip to our detached garage so that I can was a load of diapers. We didn't cloth diaper with our first, who is now three, but we decided to take the plunge the second time around. Let me just say, I am so glad that we made the choice to cloth diaper Baby E!

I know that is easy for me to say because we only have a two and a half week old newborn, so the poops aren't smelly yet and she doesn't mess her diaper too often. Yeah, that doesn't describe my daughter at all. 

She poops - all. the. time! If there were a contest between newborns to see who could poop the most in a 24 hour period, I would put money on my kid - and I don't gamble. Granted, I breastfeed, so thankfully I don't have to worry about scraping or using a liner yet, but man oh man, my daughter is a pro-pooper! I'm pretty proud of her actually, only, I have feeling I will change my tune come 6 months. 

But seriously, I couldn't be more thrilled with how easy it really is to cloth diaper a baby. When I first told my co-workers that we had decided to cloth diaper, many of the older women just asked, "why?!", they didn't understand why anyone would want to "go backwards". I then spouted off tons of environmental facts as well as information regarding toxins and skin absorption  but lets face it, cloth diapers are stinking adorable!

It is always easier to make an environmentally friendly decision when that decision is such a cute one! 

I have researched cloth diapering to death, I literally spent 3 months reading every blog under the sun trying to figure out what to expect. I bought some of our cloth diapers used on Craig's List and then several from WAHM's and then a few more from Target (Thirstie's and BumGenius). We were able to do it on the cheap this way and thankfully baby shower gifts helped a ton. 

I still haven't run into issues with stink, although that might take a little longer? I have read some blogs that talk about not ever needing to strip if you have a good routine and then other blogs where moms strip at least once every couple of months. We will see what ends up working best for us. 

So far we use Econuts and wool dryer balls that my sweet friend made me, so far, so good. 

I hope the rest of our experience continues to be this good, I'm very optimistic!



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